Friday, April 14, 2017

      I have chosen to do my commentary on Ashley Underdown's article,Women of America. In her commentary I feel that Ashley is targeting women and liberals. Ashley speaks of Trump's efforts to decrease funding for programs such as Plannned Parenthood. She states that this type of program is very important to women from low-income or middle class families.  I agree with her ideas that women should have a right to their bodies and preventative care.
      I feel that programs such as these are important to women and also young ladies. Speaking from personal experience, I  did not always have private insurance, so I turned to Planned Parenthood for yearly exams. I can not imagine the amount of money I would have had to pay out of pocket, had it not been for this program.
      Ashley states that women turned to intrauterine implant devices to protect themselves from Trump's policies. I would have like to have seen a source listed to further read and inform myself of these potential policies. This commentary was well thought out and educational. Ashley's blog showed me, I need to be more aware of policies that could potentially affect women's health.

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