Friday, March 10, 2017

Campaign Retraction

In the article I have chosen I feel that it has been targeted toward liberals and low income audience. The article can be found through Townes, Carimah.  “After promising to revitalize ‘inner cities,’ Trump decides to shred affordable housing. “, 9 March 2017, Accessed 10 March 2017. The editor speaks of President Trump promising to clean up the inner cities with higher crime rates. Carimah claims that Trump is pulling funds from the HUD program and distributing them to the national defense budget.  The editor does a good job of placing an embedded link with the article explaining potential cuts to the HUD budget.  Carimah explains the potential impact and existing effects of the proposed budget cuts. A report  from HUD shows the repairs that are needed totaling $21 billion dollars. The budget cut would lead to current and future repairs being untouched.  Carimah links the HUD  government website which shows funds that are needed for public housing repairs.
I agree with Carimah when she says these types of cuts could lead to more families and individuals being homeless. There are many who struggle to make ends meet and live in unsuitable low income homes. I speak from personal experience. I believe we need a strong national defense, but we also need to care for those who live within our nation. Although Carmiah posted a blog, I feel she did a great job of providing linked evidence from credible sources.  It allows the reader to not just take her word, but to also be able to do research of their own if chosen to do so.

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