What is
Trumps wall really going to prevent? This thirty foot wall could easily be
crossed by simply purchasing two 40 foot ladders from the Home Depot. If an
immigrant wants to come over to The United States they will find a way. If you
think about it, underground tunnels have been constructed to traffic drugs. Who’s
to say that the same will not be done to cross individuals into the United States?
How many people actually cross illegally through the desert? I would think that
most immigrants that enter The United States do so by receiving a work visa. Once
the work visa expires individuals end up just staying here. The Mexico border is
not the only place immigrants enter through. There are many entry points along
the east coast such as Florida in which an immigrant can enter.
border wall, in my personal opinion, is a waste of time and tax payer’s
dollars. If this wall were to be built,
how many people would need to patrol it to ensure its defense? Where would the income come from to pay these
individuals? I can understand President Trump’s safety concerns, but a concrete
wall is not the way to keep immigrants out.
I feel that tax payer’s dollars could be better served improving our
school systems or other pressing issues here at home. Trump says that in the
end Mexico will have paid for this wall. I do not see this happening, what do
they have to gain by doing so?
I chose to comment to my classmates blog titled “The Wall To Be, Or Not To Be, - That Is The Question” from a source I was unable to find. However, with what I was able to read, I do agree with my colleague on that fact that Donald Trump’s idea on building a wall is quite simpleminded and idiotic. Building a wall could no way stop people from entering the United States if that was their whole goal. Yet, while what I read was interesting and what seemed to be true facts, I wish my colleague would have had a reliable source I could have followed with and elaborated more on his/her topic without just listing questions.
First of all, my colleague did have great points as to why Trumps wall would never work. As I did some research about the wall, Trump mentions that he would only have to build so much of the wall because natural barriers such as lakes and mountains will keep immigrants from passing. But in reality, a wall may indeed make it harder for immigrants to pass but I do not think it will in any way stop them to, it never has. I also agree with my classmate on the money issue. I think building a wall will only put is more in debt, something we really do not need. Donald Trump says that Mexico is going to pay for the wall and in fact says it is going to be “easy” to get them to. Again, this is foolish to say. Mexico is not going to hand over 8 to 12 billion dollars to build a wall, they even said this.
I agreed with all my colleague had to say, yet I think this is a topic that could have endless things to write about. We both agree that building a wall is not a smart idea. It is a money pit and there will be little to no positive outcomes with this idea. I must say it was a great topic to write about though! This is a topic very popular in our government today.
I am commenting on my classmates blog post titled, "The Wall To Be, Or Not To Be, - That Is The Question." While my classmate did present good points in expressing his opposition President Trump's border wall, I must say I respectfully disagree. Illegal immigration is a huge problem in the United States, we have let this issue slide by for too long and now it has gotten out of control. If we enforced our immigration laws in the first place, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in today. However, we are in this situation and there is no better option that has been proposed other than building a border wall. Many people say that a wall will not do any good, that it can be crossed too easily and we really will not be fixing anything, but there is actually quite more to this wall than meets the eye. President Trump had stated that the wall will be drone enforced, along with a great number of border patrol agents with the authority to take the appropriate action if need be. Will the border wall completely fix all illegal immigration? No. However, due to the mere thought of the wall and consequences for illegal immigration, illegal immigration has gone down nearly 70% since Trump took the white house. That alone should say something. People are realizing that the United States now has a leader that will do what he says rather that tiptoe around options. During the race for the presidency, then candidate Trump stated, "If I draw a line in the sand, I will enforce that line in the sand, believe me!"
In A Nation of Red, White, and Blue's latest blog post, "The Wall To Be, Or Not To Be, -That Is The Question," my fellow classmate comments on President Trump and his idea to build a wall to keep out immigrants. My classmate states how it is a rather foolish idea, and I must say that I agree.
I am a firm believer that we are only divided by the walls (figuratively and literally) we choose to put up. We are a world full of human beings who happen to be born in different cities, states, and countries. Should we not try and help our neighbors and treat them with dignity and respect? This seems like a very disrespectful move to me. If the President follows through with building this wall, it shows that we do not wish to be a gracious neighbor to our bordering countries. This can only cause rifts in our relationship with people outside of the United States.
Now, to look at it from a logical standpoint, the wall along with the enforcement of immigration laws might be practical for those who choose to come in right where the wall is supposed to be located. However, this does not stop those who come in via air, underground and through different countries that have less patrol officers. While there is not documented percentages of how these immigrants are getting into the United States, there is in fact more ways to get here than the border of Mexico.
Illegal immigrants are a problem in a sense. It is incredibly hard to come to the United States legally. In order to live and work in the United States, one must acquire a Green Card. In order to get a Green Card, there is a long process of paperwork to be done, and it is up to the USCIS to issue one of these cards to you. While there does need to be some form of process to become a citizen, I do not believe it needs to be so hard that it results in individuals not applying and risking coming through illegally.
To conclude, I will say that what my classmate stated about the wall is agreeable. It is not going to stop people from entering and it is a waste of time and money. We should be seeing what we can do to help people, not shut them out. Many people who come to the United States are willing to take any job they can get, and often times, they take the jobs that citizens think are above them. I can only hope that our government sees these "immigrants" as people, individuals just like us. They are not aliens that will bring America to its doom, they are real, beautifully created, wonderful human beings...just give them an opportunity.
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